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[bwin中国可以用吗? ] ST BlueNRG-2蓝牙低功耗无线系统级芯片(SoC)bwin客户端

关键词:ARM Cortex M0 MCU 蓝牙 BLE 系统级芯片(SoC) BlueNRG-2

时间:2017-07-06 10:53:45       作者:ST       来源:bwin客户端

ST公司的BlueNRG-2是和蓝牙指标兼容的低功耗(BLE)单模式系统级芯片(SoC),基于高性能超低功耗ARM Cortex M0核,包括了256KB可编程闪存存储器,24KB SRAM,以及SPI,UART,I2C标准通信接口外设.同时还具有线性稳压器和DC/DC降压转换器,多功能计时器,看门狗,RTC和DMA控制器.工作电压1.7V-3.6V,工作温度-40℃ 到105℃,主要用在手表,健身和运动设备,消费类医疗设备,遥控,家庭和工业自动化,手机和PC外设和照明,以及安全/接近应用.本文介绍了BlueNRG-2主要特性和架构图,总线架构图以及评估板STEVAL-IDB008V1主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计文件.

The BlueNRG-2 is a very low power Bluetooth low energy (BLE) single-mode system-on-chip, compliant with Bluetooth specification. The BlueNRG-2 extends the features of award-winning BlueNRG network processor, enabling the usage of the embedded Cortex M0 for running the user application code.

The BlueNRG-2 includes 256 KB of programming Flash memory, 24 KB of static RAM memory with retention (two 12 KB banks) and SPI, UART, I²C standard communication interface peripherals. It also features multifunction timers, watchdog, RTC and DMA controller.

An ADC is available for interfacing with analog sensors, and for reading the measurement of the integrated battery monitor. A digital filter is available for processing a PDM stream.


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