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[bwin中国可以用吗? ] LatticeUSB Type-C 解决方案

关键词:USB Type-C 笔记本电脑 PC 智能手机 平板电脑

时间:2016-04-08 10:20:15       作者:Lattice       来源:bwin客户端

USB Type-C插座,插头和电缆和现有的USB连接相比,提供更小更薄和更可靠的连接.USB Type-C解决方案目标应用在各种平台如笔记本电脑,PC,智能手机,平板电脑等.本文介绍了USB Type-C主要特性,框图和USB Type-C解决方案主要特性,系统级框图和系统级功能框图,以及USB CD/PD充电器框图,电路图和材料清单,USB CD/PD PHY主/从框图,电路图和材料清单以及USB CD/PD主/从框图,电路图和材料清单.

The USB Type-C receptacle, plug and cable provide a smaller, thinner and more robust alternative to existing USB interconnect. This new solution targets use in a variety of platforms, ranging from notebooks, PCs and monitors to smartphones and tablets, where existing Standard-A and Micro-AB receptacles are deemed too large, difficult to use, or inadequately robust. The USB Type-C plug enhances ease of use by being pluggable in either upside-up or upside-down directions and in either direction between host and devices.Determination of this hosttodevice relationship is accomplished through a Configuration Channel(CC)that is connected through the cable. These various solutions demonstrate the capabilities of the Lattice device as USB 3.1 Power Delivery and Type-C ASSP.


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