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已有 85 次阅读  2013-04-29 16:29   标签Fake  Ray  Ban  Oakley 
34 of 15 the fall of 2000

34 of 15 nov 2000

Gamaleldin (Egypt) Remembered that, By the way, One delegation had earlier requested a vote on the draft image res. He urged all delegations to vote in preference of the draft resolution, Which was in conjuction with the principle of international law, Thus reaffirming their resolve forpersistance to the resumption of the peace process. Megiddo (Israel), Speaking in information of vote before the vote, Said it was disappointing that the debate in the Second Committee was being used as a platform for levelling accusations against his country. The center East was at a crucial crossroads, Which could either lead to a resumption of negotiations on prices based on the ideas discussed at Camp David or to violence, Creating continuous instability in your community and threatening to undo all the progress achieved over the previous seven years. Israel was willing to accept the use of a Palestinian state within the framework of a comprehensive bilateral agreement. Nevertheless, It was averse to the attempt by one side to advance its goals by unilateral action, Which stood in direct contradiction to the thoughts of the peace process. Such a trial would only fuel continued violence,Fake Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses. His Government had repeatedly made clear that its objective was a negotiated peace settlement that would bring calm and security to all the people of the location. Those positive developments were a result of the peace process and the period of calm which had preceded the latest Palestinian violence. Abercrombie-Winstanley (United states) Said that her delegation continued to oppose the draft resolution on natural resources under western culture Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights for a few reasons. It was inappropriate to interject the General Assembly into issues that were the main topic of negotiations between the parties. The outcome of those negotiations should not be prejudged by not resolutions. The us must focus on strengthening its role as a facilitator of the peace process. Her delegation would welcome the requirements to vote for a draft resolution that demonstrated the support and encouragement of the international community for the peace process. Apparently,Cheap Oakley Glasses, This current unbalanced text did not meet the test. Bigot (People from spain), Speaking on behalf of europe, Said that the Union had voted in favour of the draft resolution because it believed that the natural resources of any territory acquired by force should not be used illegally or unnecessarily by the occupying Power. About the, He wished to clarify the interpretation which europe gave to certain aspects of the draft resolution. He reaffirmed that the Fourth Geneva norm of 1949 was applicable to the occupied Territory, And that any violation of the rights of the Palestinian people was illegal under the terms of that established practice. Then again, The issues raised in the draft resolution should be addressed in the framework of the final status negotiate on prices of the Middle East peace process, Which the Union hoped would be resumed the soonest possible time. The resolution just adopted should not therefore be thought of as being prejudicial to or prejudging the outcome of the negotiations. Hirata (Okazaki, japan) Said that his Government had been deeply concerned over the recent clashes involving the Israelis and Palestinians, Which in fact had caused 200 deaths and thousands of injuries. It deplored even though the clashes were continuing in spite of the understandings that the parties had reached on ending the violence. Japan would still fully support the parties concerned in their efforts to that end,Cheap Ray Ban Wayfarer. In the spirit,Cheap Fake Ray Bans, His delegation had voted and is overtaken by the draft resolution. Jilani (Viewer for Palestine) Thanked the sponsors of the draft resolution and the States which had voted towards it. The vote demonstrated the worldwide community support for the peace process. In view, There was no contradiction between the current peace process and respect for abroad law and you can also use humanitarian law. Unilateral actions, Such as the property of illegal settlements and the confiscation of land and water, Contravened meeting place law. It was regrettable that one permanent member of the safety Council had objected to the reference to occupied Palestinian Territory, Including Jerusalem even though 25 Security Council answers reaffirmed that the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 was applicable to the occupied Territory. His delegation remained dedicated the peace process and to the principles of the peace process which had been agreed upon at the Madrid Conference in 1990. Related articles:

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